Privacy Statement

Allu Group (Business ID: 2097539-0) and its subsidiaries (“Allu” or “we”) respect your privacy and are committed to protect your personal data. This Privacy Statement outlines your rights to privacy and our commitment to safeguard your personal data. If you have any questions or inquiries concerning this Privacy Statement and/or your personal data, please contact

Organisation of contact in privacy matters:

Allu Group Oy / Privacy Matters

Jokimäentie 1

FI-16320 Pennala, Finland

Tel. +358 388 2140

Fax +358 3882 1440


Allu processes your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. This privacy statement and privacy notices provide you comprehensive information about personal data processing activities conducted by Allu. Information may be supplemented by specific privacy notices and additional local documentation. Notice also that your rights as a data subject may also vary from country to country depending on the applicable data protection laws. Our privacy statement presents the rights according to the EU’s general data protection regulation (“GDPR”). Any mandatory laws or regulations will take precedence in the event that it conflicts and has stricter requirements than this statement or the privacy notices. 

This privacy statement is divided into privacy notices that relate to the different personal data processing functions in Allu.

  • Privacy Notice Customer relations, sales, marketing and vendor (See Policy below)

Allu uses cookies to provide the best user experience, to analyze traffic, and to provide users relevant content and information.

PRIVACY NOTICE – Customer relations, sales, marketing and vendor management

Updated 4 September 2024

1 Purpose of this notice and data controller

The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to give you information regarding how we process personal data in customer relationship management, sales and marketing activities. This Privacy Notice also provides more information how we manage our contact data of Allu subcontractors’ and suppliers’ representatives relating to e.g. sourcing and purchasing activities. The data controller of your personal data is Allu Group Oy and its affiliated group companies (“Allu” or “we”), which jointly determine the purposes and means of personal data processing. Each Allu group company is responsible for the processing of its personal data in its own activities for the purposes and on legal bases set out in this Notice and may use the necessary personal data collected by other group companies for the same purposes.

Allu is fully committed to protecting your personal data when using or processing them and recognize the importance of correct and lawful treatment of personal data. Any mandatory national laws or regulations will take precedence in the event that it conflicts and has stricter requirements than this Notice. 

If you have any questions related personal data processing and/or this notice, please contact

2 For what purpose is your personal data collected?

We collect information related to our business customers, leads and co-operation partners. When performing sales, marketing or customer relationship management activities, we process personal data of contact persons, decision makers or other representatives of our customers, leads and co-operation partners. We also process personal data in order to facilitate Allu’s sourcing, purchasing, invoice handling and contract management activities. The processing of personal data is based on an agreement, legitimate interest of Allu (e.g. CRM, direct marketing, invoicing) and your consent (e.g. related to the cookies).

The purposes of processing personal data are:

  • Managing, developing, analysing and creating statistics of relationship between Allu and customers, leads or co-operation partners
  • Planning and developing business operations and services
  • Vendor management and dealer performance assessment
  • Taking care of the customer relationship and communications, lead generation and direct marketing
  • Organising sales and marketing events
  • Collecting customer feedback and performing opinion and market surveys
  • Identifying users and management of access rights e.g. Allu Portal
  • Raffles and competitions
  • Detecting and preventing fraud or misuse
  • Analysis, segmentation and statistics for the aforesaid purposes.

The data may also be used for fulfilling legal obligations related to authorities.

3 What type of information is collected about you?

We process following information on decision makers and contact persons of our customers, vendors and co-operation partners (incl. newsletter subscribers, individuals who have requested a quote or submitted a contact request, and participants of events):

  • Name, title/profession/position, company/employer, native language, contact details e.g. email address, phone number and postal address 
  • Registration information, including username, screen name, password and any other identifying ID
  • Login credentials and usage log of electronic services (e.g. Allu Portal)
  • Customer history (e.g. participation in the events) and customer preferences (e.g. preferred language)
  • Information related to raffles and competitions
  • Information related to the realisation of communications and information on the use of the services, including information about the use of the website and electronic services such as cookies
  • Information about interests provided by the individual
  • Direct marketing permissions and/or prohibitions and marketing segments
  • Other information relevant for the business relationship.

We collect following data on potential customer companies’ or organizations’ decision makers and contact persons:

  • Name, company/employer e.g. postal address, e-mail address, phone number
  • Information about individual’s duties and position in business life or a public office
  • Direct marketing permissions and/or prohibitions.

4 Where do we collect personal data from?

Information related to the customer is usually collected by the following means:

  • From the customer by phone, via a return card, online, by email or by similar means
  • With cookies or other similar techniques 
  • At customer events or other occasions at which the customer provides the information.

Personal data may also be originated from representatives of Allu based on their business interactions with individuals or collected and updated from public and private registers.

5  Who do we share your personal data and may information be transferred outside the EU or EEA?

Unless you prohibit the disclosure of your data, we may disclose data i.e. to selected collaboration partners within the limits of the legislation for providing the service.

We use services of service providers for, e.g. maintaining newsletter mailing lists and customer/lead information and for processing information of individuals participating in events. In accordance with data protection agreements, each service provider can only process personal data to the extent that is necessary for the provision of the service in question.

We transfer data outside the EEA to USA in case it is necessary for the purposes of the processing of personal data described above (E.g. related to the maintaining the newsletter mailing lists) or for the technical implementation of the processing. The level of data protection outside the EEA may be lower than in the EEA. In these situations, Allu will take appropriate safeguards to ensure the protection of your personal data by applying the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Union and requires data to be processed and secured in the EU before being transmitted and stored in the USA. SCC available: .

6 How your personal data is protected and how long we process data?

We apply physical, technical, and administrative protection measures to protect personal data. Only those parties who have the right to process personal data for their work performance are authorized to use the systems containing data. We make data processing agreements with all subcontractors that process personal data in order to ensure appropriate data protection.

We store personal data for as long as it is necessary due to the purpose of use (e.g. customer/co-operation relationship), or as long as the individual requests the erasure of the data. In this case we will store the data that legislation obligates us to store and the data about the erasure. We assess the necessity of retaining data regularly. In addition, we take care of such reasonable measures which ensure that no incompatible, outdated or inaccurate personal data, taking into account the purpose of the processing, are stored in our registers.

7 Your rights as a data subject

Right of access, rectification and erasure

  • As a data subject you are entitled to obtain information of your personal data processed by Allu. You have also a right to inspect the personal data concerning yourself, which is stored in the register, and a right to require rectification or erasure of your data.

Direct marketing prohibition and right to restrict the processing

  • You have the right to object or to demand restriction of the processing and prohibit the direct marketing and/or the data use for market researches.

Withdrawal of a consent

  • When the processing of information is subject to your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal of the consent. Withdrawals can be made by requesting withdrawal from You can also unsubscribe from the Allu’s newsletter mailing list by using the unsubscribe link of the newsletter.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

  • If you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the data protection regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You may lodge your complaint in the EU Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.

Other rights

  • You may also request the personal data collected based on your consent and concerning you to be transmitted to another controller in a case where the data is in machine-readable and transferable format.

9 Google Signals

We have activated Google Signals in Google Analytics, which enables cross-device activity tracking and personalized advertising. This means that we collect information such as location, search history, YouTube history, and activities on our site so that we can better tailor our ads and services to our users’ needs and interests. Information is only collected if the user has accepted personalized advertising in their Google account and the setting of marketing cookies on the website. The stored information is always summarized and anonymous.

Google Signals help us to better evaluate user behavior, wishes and interests in order to optimize and customize our products and services. By default, this data expires after 26 months. Users can manage or delete their data in their Google account and change their consent to personalized advertising in the Google account settings.

10 Whom can you contact?

If you have any questions related to the personal data processing or you want to exercise your abovementioned rights, please contact