Lime Screening

Kurdeez Minerals improved their lime screening process by incorporating the ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades.
Case study

Lime Screening for Kurdeez Minerals


Material Lime

Industry Agriculture, Quarrying, Soil processing

Application Lime Screening

Function Breaking down lime lumps and improving material flow

Model ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades

Kurdeez Minerals, based in Victoria, Australia, produces a range of natural products for soil improvement in agriculture, horticulture, and more. Their products are widely used in crop and biological farming to enhance soil quality and animal health. But they encountered a significant challenge in breaking down lime lumps to meet the 4mm size required for sale.

After a successful trial with Walkers Hammers using the ALLU DN 2-12 TS 25, Kurdeez Minerals invested in the ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades. The ALLU unit not only broke down the lime lumps but also improved the flow of material into the ASTEC screener, significantly boosting productivity.

ALLU’s impact on Kurdeez Minerals can be seen in five key areas:

  1. Increasing overall productivity.
  2. Efficiently breaking down lime lumps.
  3. Streamlining material flow into the screener.
  4. Aerating the material during the process.
  5. Delivering long-term reliability, even after five months of use.

Aidan, the quarry manager, was thrilled:

“This is the best attachment I have ever worked with after using it for 5 months.”

ALLU helped Kurdeez Minerals improve their lime screening process

The addition of ALLU allowed Kurdeez to optimize their entire process, getting more done with fewer headaches and delivering higher-quality products to their customers.

The experience shows how the right equipment can turn challenges into opportunities, helping a business thrive with greater efficiency and ease. With ALLU, Kurdeez Minerals unlocked the full potential of their existing equipment, turning a slow, frustrating process into a highly productive and efficient workflow. This success highlights the power of smart investment in the right tools! We’re proud to have been part of Kurdeez Minerals’ journey and thank them for allowing us to share their success story.

Screening Bucket – D-Series

Carriers 6 – 45 t
Versatile DN-, DS- and DH-Series Screening Buckets serve in a wide range of applications ensuring high-quality material processing on-site.

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ALLU helped Kurdeez Minerals improve their lime screening process

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Case study

Transforming your waste into profits!


Material Topsoil

Industry Screening, Soil processing, Topsoil

Application Composting and landscaping


Model DN 3-17 25


Ware Excavator Inc in USA recognised that Topsoil is in demand in the area, yet there are limited suppliers. ALLU Transforms the raw material


ALLU Group Inc based in NJ works through a dealer network. CAT Stowers is our local ALLU dealer and they offered us the perfect solution. We brought a wheel loader to do pipework’s, but then added the ALLU Transformer. Initially I wasn’t sure on how long this would take to pay back for the ALLU, but within 6 months it has transformed our business model!


Our main business was in commercial and residential developments. The wheel loader we brought from CAT Stowers was to do pipework’s. Since we added the ALLU for screening the soil, the CAT wheel loader only left the yard once! It no longer leaves the yard; it remains on site to screen the dirt which is much more effective and profitable. On average we do 10 loads a day making $600 per load. It’s much more profitable. Our original business model haling for a customer’s we were lucky to make $50 per load, by the time we had paid the taxes, and costs. ALLU Transformer has given us a stable other income and is becoming our prime focus. Local landscapers, building contractors, City of Cleveland, Cleveland utilities, now come and take the raw material we made with the ALLU and it makes it look nice and need and new for their projects. I’m so happy that we have also invested in a 5-17FD Crusher and now do Asphalt and concrete recycling too. ALLU has transformed my business, cutting down our transport costs, operating costs and increasing our profits by far! I’m happy with the ALLU Transformer, its reliable, efficient solution which has increased our productivity and business profits. We have now bought some more land to expand our business using the ALLU. WARE EXCAVATOR WITH CAT STOWERS AND ALLU

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ALLU Transformer screener crusher removing a non-native species in a nature reserve


Material Soil contaminated with invasive plants

Industry Screening, Soil processing, Waste material handling

Application Screening

Function Screening, Soil Processing, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DL 2-17 screening bucket with TS25 blade setup


Non-native species, which could destroy native fauna and flora, were found growing in a nature reserve. In order to keep the nature reserve intact and to preserve its biodiversity, the invasive plants had to be separated from the soil which would then be returned to the ground.


The surface layer of the earth was removed using a backhoe bucket, which removed the non-native species with their roots intact. The ALLU Transformer screening bucket was then used to screen the material and to separate the soil from the contaminants which was then reinserted into the ground and plant residue removed.


The ALLU Transformer screening bucket was an effective solution for removing the non-native species, proving in a limited space to be a highly mobile space-saving solution.   TRANSFORMING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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