Lime Screening

Kurdeez Minerals improved their lime screening process by incorporating the ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades.
Case study

Lime Screening for Kurdeez Minerals


Material Lime

Industry Agriculture, Quarrying, Soil processing

Application Lime Screening

Function Breaking down lime lumps and improving material flow

Model ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades

Kurdeez Minerals, based in Victoria, Australia, produces a range of natural products for soil improvement in agriculture, horticulture, and more. Their products are widely used in crop and biological farming to enhance soil quality and animal health. But they encountered a significant challenge in breaking down lime lumps to meet the 4mm size required for sale.

After a successful trial with Walkers Hammers using the ALLU DN 2-12 TS 25, Kurdeez Minerals invested in the ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades. The ALLU unit not only broke down the lime lumps but also improved the flow of material into the ASTEC screener, significantly boosting productivity.

ALLU’s impact on Kurdeez Minerals can be seen in five key areas:

  1. Increasing overall productivity.
  2. Efficiently breaking down lime lumps.
  3. Streamlining material flow into the screener.
  4. Aerating the material during the process.
  5. Delivering long-term reliability, even after five months of use.

Aidan, the quarry manager, was thrilled:

“This is the best attachment I have ever worked with after using it for 5 months.”

ALLU helped Kurdeez Minerals improve their lime screening process

The addition of ALLU allowed Kurdeez to optimize their entire process, getting more done with fewer headaches and delivering higher-quality products to their customers.

The experience shows how the right equipment can turn challenges into opportunities, helping a business thrive with greater efficiency and ease. With ALLU, Kurdeez Minerals unlocked the full potential of their existing equipment, turning a slow, frustrating process into a highly productive and efficient workflow. This success highlights the power of smart investment in the right tools! We’re proud to have been part of Kurdeez Minerals’ journey and thank them for allowing us to share their success story.

Screening Bucket – D-Series

Carriers 6 – 45 t
Versatile DN-, DS- and DH-Series Screening Buckets serve in a wide range of applications ensuring high-quality material processing on-site.

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ALLU helped Kurdeez Minerals improve their lime screening process

Lime Screening for Kurdeez Minerals

Kurdeez Minerals improved their lime screening process by incorporating the ALLU DH3-17 TS 25 with double TS50 Axe blades. This change helped break down lime lumps, streamline material flow, and…

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Case study

Transforming your waste into profits!


Material Topsoil

Industry Screening, Soil processing, Topsoil

Application Composting and landscaping


Model DN 3-17 25


Ware Excavator Inc in USA recognised that Topsoil is in demand in the area, yet there are limited suppliers. ALLU Transforms the raw material


ALLU Group Inc based in NJ works through a dealer network. CAT Stowers is our local ALLU dealer and they offered us the perfect solution. We brought a wheel loader to do pipework’s, but then added the ALLU Transformer. Initially I wasn’t sure on how long this would take to pay back for the ALLU, but within 6 months it has transformed our business model!


Our main business was in commercial and residential developments. The wheel loader we brought from CAT Stowers was to do pipework’s. Since we added the ALLU for screening the soil, the CAT wheel loader only left the yard once! It no longer leaves the yard; it remains on site to screen the dirt which is much more effective and profitable. On average we do 10 loads a day making $600 per load. It’s much more profitable. Our original business model haling for a customer’s we were lucky to make $50 per load, by the time we had paid the taxes, and costs. ALLU Transformer has given us a stable other income and is becoming our prime focus. Local landscapers, building contractors, City of Cleveland, Cleveland utilities, now come and take the raw material we made with the ALLU and it makes it look nice and need and new for their projects. I’m so happy that we have also invested in a 5-17FD Crusher and now do Asphalt and concrete recycling too. ALLU has transformed my business, cutting down our transport costs, operating costs and increasing our profits by far! I’m happy with the ALLU Transformer, its reliable, efficient solution which has increased our productivity and business profits. We have now bought some more land to expand our business using the ALLU. WARE EXCAVATOR WITH CAT STOWERS AND ALLU

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Making construction recycling easy


Material Construction waste

Industry Construction, Waste material handling

Application Construction and Demolition

Function Construction and Demolition

Model ALLU D-Series


Having to transport waste from a construction site to a waste center. This increases costs due to transportation and material purchases.


ALLU Screening Bucket is an ideal choice whenever you need to screen, crush, mix, separate, sort, pulverize, or load these materials to the desired fragment size. Reducing the waste to smaller or more uniform fragment sizes makes it easier and faster to reuse them. The debris that is generated in construction and demolition sites is bulky and heavy to handle, traditionally increasing your transportation costs and double handling operational costs. ALLU takes these issues away, increasing your operational efficiency. The ALLU recycling bucket sorts materials from actual waste. Doing this lowers the transportation and landfill costs, increasing your efficiency and productivity at the work site along with your sustainability credentials. Helping you to increase your sustainability ALLU enables you to recycle construction and demolition debris in an environmental way. Turning waste material into profit by producing aggregates and reusable materials such as bricks, concrete, metals, wood, cardboard, and bitumen. Bringing your waste to life!


Increased the sustainability of the business, reducing costs and time yet increasing the business profits and efficiency.

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Pipeline Padding in France


Material Pipeline padding

Industry Pipeline Padding

Application Pipeline padding

Function Pipeline

Model ALLU D-Series


Excavated material unrefined cannot be used to backfill for pipeline padding. The customers costs were increasing to remove the material and bring in correct material to site.


The ALLU D-Series of screening buckets with TS drums for pipeline padding is an absolutely ideal addition to pipeline job sites worldwide. The unique ALLU TS structure enables two different fragment sizes from the same ALLU Screening Bucket, giving you more flexibility at the site. Due to TS’s self-cleaning design, you can be certain to get the best possible capacity even with wet and sticky materials. ALLU TS structure features various blade thicknesses, making the TS structure perfectly suited to the pipeline industry to screen, reuse, and recycle the excavated soil.


The customer increased efficiency and reduced costs and time. As they do not need to bring in separate materials to the jobsite or take those materials away.

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ALLU to the rescue

Case study

Solutions for handling coal ash


Material Coal Ash

Industry Soil Improvement, Solidification, Stabilising

Application Soil Improvement

Function Coal Ash

Model Soil Improvement System

We are all aware of the environmental impact of coal ash in the US. With potential hazards to both the air and water being a concern to all parties involved. Loose particles of fly ash can float in the air to surrounding communities, causing various respiratory issues to nearby residents. Both abandoned and operational ash ponds have a high potential to seep into the groundwater carrying chemicals such as lead, arsenic and mercury to the municipal water supply.

What to do with these ponds has been the center of much debate throughout the power generation providers along with environmental advocates. Finding an acceptable solution that would provide a safe permanent, solution that was economically feasible has been a challenge. The EPA permits two methods, closure in place and closure by removal. Each method presents its own challenges and downsides.

Closure in place or “capping” the pond is typically done using a process known as “bucket mixing” which is accomplished by dumping sacks of powdered binder (usually Portland Cement) onto the surface of the pond. The binder is then mixed using the buckets of a tracked excavator. A shallow cap is formed as the cement hardens. Though much less expensive than removal. The main problem exists beneath the “cap” moisture remains in the unstable contaminated soil allowing continued seepage into the groundwater. The capped ground is unsuitable for building and difficult to repurpose, additional dust pollution is also created during the bucket mixing process.

Removal minimizes the overall risk of groundwater pollution but presents its own set of problems. Compared to closure-in-place costs, removal costs and time can add up to more than five times that of in-place closure. Relocation to an approved dump site (landfill) may also prove difficult with dust and contaminants being released during transport. Regulation of the dump site can also be difficult. If not properly maintained these sites can be affected by the wind carrying the reclaimed dust at great distances. Stormwater can seep through the ash and continue to contaminate groundwater.

Deep pond stabilization provides an innovative solution that solves problems present in both capping and removal. The ALLU Soil Stabilization system has been used throughout Europe for more than a decade. The system uses a powerful mixing head attached to the boom of a mid-sized excavator. The mixing head is fed a dry binder by a computer-controlled high-pressure feeder creating a homogeneous mix. Unlike bucket mixing; the system is capable of depths beyond 20’. The ash pond is stabilized from the bottom up and not just at the surface. The feeding system regulates with precision the exact amount of binder prescribed by the engineer to fully encapsulate the contaminated site.

Because it is now a solid mass. Potential groundwater contamination along with dust pollution from wind, rain, or during transportation are eliminated. Costs are controlled by removing the need to build and maintain dump sites. Less fossil fuels are used without the need to transport to an off-site location. A solid surface remains that continues to harden over time allowing a re-purposing of the existing ash containment pond. A truly green solution.

There are hundreds of coal ash ponds in the USA, ash pond waste contains heavy metals, which leach into nearby groundwater, and surface water is the second biggest flow of waste material in the USA.
Coal combustion residuals (CCRs), commonly known as coal ash, are by-products of the combustion of coal at power plants operated by electric utilities and independent power producers. The environmental impacts are high with many sites leaking into the water course, causing pollution and major issues as you can see from the map. Many sites are not lined, and the raw waste material continues leaking into the water course.

Finding a permanent solution to this ongoing environmental issue has been a challenge for over a decade. The traditional method known as “bucket mixing” has no binder control which can, high cost and a lot of dust pollution with non-homogenized results. The treated site is only stabilized on the surface which allows continued leeching into the soil beneath the surface.


ALLU is one step ahead reducing costs up to 40%, providing a fast effective and environmentally friendly work method for the hardening and dynamic strengthening contaminated soft soils, as well as improving the soil’s deformation properties. It is designed to improve soft soils by mixing a binder into clay, peat, mud, or dredged sediments. The method can also be used in the treatment of contaminated soils, by encapsulating contaminants within the ground and preventing migration to the surrounding areas.

The Allu system consists of three components:

The first is the power mix attachment mounted to the dipper arm of a suitable excavator, using a pin mounting or quick-hitch adaptor plate. At the end of this substantial attachment, a pair of mixing/ cutting drums are used to mix the binder material into the ground in a controlled manner. The unit can process different materials to a depth of six meters, depending on the choice of the power mix model, the excavator’s reach and the quality of the material.

The second component is the pressure feeder mounted on a powered crawler chassis. This injects the binder into the ground by compressed air via hoses. The amount of binder per square meter can be controlled, depending on the requirement for the prevailing ground conditions.

The third component in the Allu system is the data acquisition control (DAC), located in the excavator’s cab. This controls, measures and stores data on the stabilisation project. On site, the flow and pressure of the binder are adjusted by the excavator operator via the DAC, and it seems reasonably easy to use and enables the binder to be fed at optimum rates. Back in the office, the DAC provides an extensive report for the entire duration of a project, the data being transferred into a computer via a USB port.

Its potential as a sustainable solution with a valid mixing method and homogeneous results, causing less dust pollution and reducing binder costs, demonstrates why the system has already been successfully used in different ground conditions and interest is certainly being generated.

ALLU PF Pressure Feeder

The double tank ALLU Pressure Feeder PF 7+7 NextGen allows for continuous feeding and precise dosing of dry binders in soil improvement projects.

ALLU Processor Power Mixer

Carriers 25 – 40 t
The ALLU Processor is a power mixer attachment for conventional excavators. This attachment converts the excavator into a powerful and versatile mixing tool.
Case study

ALLU Transforming your waste


Material ASPHALT

Industry Screening





Asphalt construction waste typically would be sent to landfill at a cost of $1000 a time, and costs were going up, profits were going down. With the increasing pressure to remain competitive in our market we were struggling to maintain our profits and win contracts.


ALLU Group Inc based in NJ down the road from us, offered us the perfect solution, the ALLU Transformer DL 2-17 Transformer Series. Initially I wasn’t sure on how long this would take to pay back, but im converted, and wont ever look back. Its changed the way we do business and helps us win bids!


By processing the waste with the ALLU DL Transformer, there were considerable savings made in landfill fees and transportation costs as only about 10% was transported to landfill. The waste paving we used to send to landfill we are now able to crush ourselves and reuse. Its saved us $40K USD in one season! Also has helped us win more work, as we can prove that we are offering a full service, and recycling solutions for the customer. Joe says “Im super happy with the ALLU DL Transformer, and happily recommend to anyone in the industry. Its reliable, efficient solution which has increased our productivity and business profits. Its paid for itself within a season. ALLU Group Inc has been hands on and always happy to help you” ALLU One Step Ahead - TRANSFORMING YOUR WASTE INTO PROFITS, INCREASING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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ALLU USA Landscaping turning waste into profits!


Material Landscaping

Industry Composting, Landscaping

Application Composting and landscaping


Model ALLU Transformer Series


The customer was left with lots of waste after landscaping jobs, meaning increased visits to the landfill sites and more costs and time.


ALLU screener crusher enables you to reduce and recycle a wide variety of materials, from soil and compost material to manure, silt, and peat regardless of the job site’s location. Composting can be a timely process but with ALLU you can accelerate the composting process by screening, mixing, and aerating it with ALLU Transformer attachment, or use the screening bucket to process manure, green waste, sewage, and sludge to transform it into a valuable soil to be used further.


The customer has increased their sustainability by recycling the waste material into material to sell for gardeners. Saving them time, money and increased profits.

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ALLU Processor Stabilizing Road Foundation


Material Wet and soft sludge

Industry Stabilising, Stabilising

Application Pipeline Padding

Function Stabilising

Model ALLU Processor 300HD


The high water content found in sludge on a road foundation job site was making the land unfit for use with insufficient load-bearing capacity.


The area affected by the sludge was stabilized and treated using an ALLU Processor 300HD power mixer. This increased the road foundation bearing capacity up to 30 tons.


The stabilizing process proved to be an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient way to increase the bearing capacity of the foundations enabling what was considered to be unstable ground to be used as a road.    

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ALLU Transformer Screener Crusher Aerating Compost


Material Wet sludge

Industry Aerating, Composting, Crushing, Mixing, Screening

Application Aerating

Function Aerating, Composting, Crushing, Screening, Mixing

Model ALLLU Transformer DS 4-23 screener crusher with XHD60 blades


Wet, lumpy contaminated sludge material was causing delays to the composting process of a Swedish company.


The material was screened, shredded and aerated using an ALLU Transformer screening bucket which enabled composting to be accomplished more quickly, effectively and efficiently.


The entire composting operation is no longer hindered by wet clumps of sludge. The process is now more efficient as all screening, shredding and aerating is done in a one-step operation, making composting and material reuse faster and more effective.   TRANSFORMING YOUR EFFICIENCY.

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ALLU Transformer Screener Crusher Screening and Recycling Demolition Waste


Material Demolition waste

Industry Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DN 3-17 screener crusher with TS 25 crushing Axe blade setup


On a site set aside for construction, demolition waste, including concrete, wood, metal and fines cannot be processed further, with the area needing to be cleaned and the material dealt with before any new buildings could be built. 


The waste was processed with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher. About 30% of the material could be reused as a construction material, with about 10%, including the wood and metal, being separated and recycled properly. The rest of the material comprised of concrete which was crushed and reused as sub base and for foundations.


By processing the waste with the ALLU Transformer screener crusher, there were considerable savings made in landfill fees and transportation costs as only about 10% was transported to landfill. The rest of the material was reutilized on the new construction site.   TRANSFORMING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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