ALLU used bauma 2019 to introduce its patented TS blade structure for its screener/ crusher bucket range. At the core of the ALLU TS drum construction is the configuration of the screening blades that spin between the screening combs. The end product size is defined by the space between the combs, and different fragment sizes can be achieved simply by repositioning the combs.

As the screening combs carry most of the material weight, the drums and bearings experience less impact and load, with the design of the assembly ensuring the machine works well in wet and dry materials without clogging.
The ALLU TS drums are available with two different blade types: standard blades for screening applications and axe blades when a crushing or shredding effect is required. Blade sizes available include 16-32 mm, 25-50 mm and 35 mm.
The latest development enables several different fragment sizes from a single unit. Fragment size estimation is based on screening comb distance, with it being quick and easy to change from one screening job to another, providing more versatile processing.