A U.S.-based minerals company recently began using an ALLU Transformer M 3-20 material processing attachment in its Middleton, Tenn., montmorillonite clay mine. The company purchased the mine-duty M-Series screener-crusher attachment from ALLU to use with its Hitachi 650 excavator in order to crush mined clay down to 4-in-minus and simultaneously load haul trucks.
The ALLU Transformer is allowing the facility to mine land it could not previously mine, as well as process clay from boulders. The ultimate goal is to eliminate the primary crusher in the plant. The processed material is used for production of cat litter and absorbent clay for oils.
According to ALLU territory manager Steve Fowler, “The customer is enjoying the advantages of reduced downtime with their crusher at the plant and lower overall operating costs. They’re able to go back and process material that previously was considered unusable, and also mine areas they had passed over, saving them from having to buy and strip additional land. The ALLU Transformer allows them to crush, screen and load as a one-person operation.”
The ALLU Transformer M-Series attachment is a multi-faceted tool for mining and process industries applications. Powered by the carrier machine (an excavator or wheel loader of up to 154 tons), the hydraulic attachment provides quick and efficient production techniques, solves chute blockages and other material flow problems, and easily assists with the processing and transport of wet/sticky or frozen material.
By sizing material and removing problematic and damaging waste rock at the initial stage of the process, the ALLU M-Series eliminates double handling of material and contributes to an operation’s maximum efficiency. It helps protect conveyor systems and primary/secondary material processing equipment, as it ultimately saves operations time and money.