Case study

ALLU Transformer Screener Crusher Aerating Compost


Material Wet sludge

Industry Aerating, Composting, Crushing, Mixing, Screening

Application Aerating

Function Aerating, Composting, Crushing, Screening, Mixing

Model ALLLU Transformer DS 4-23 screener crusher with XHD60 blades


Wet, lumpy contaminated sludge material was causing delays to the composting process of a Swedish company.


The material was screened, shredded and aerated using an ALLU Transformer screening bucket which enabled composting to be accomplished more quickly, effectively and efficiently.


The entire composting operation is no longer hindered by wet clumps of sludge. The process is now more efficient as all screening, shredding and aerating is done in a one-step operation, making composting and material reuse faster and more effective.   TRANSFORMING YOUR EFFICIENCY.

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Case study

ALLU Soil Improvement System Stabilising Evacuation Road Foundation


Material Swamp, rich on peat and vegetation

Industry Mixing, Stabilising, Mixing, Stabilising

Application Stabilising

Function Stabilising, Mixing

Model ALLU Soil Improvement Complete System


An existing two-lane Miami highway was to be expanded into four-lanes so that it was better suited for any necessary evacuation of the locale. The length of the road was approximately 9 miles (15 km), with its width increasing from 40 ft. to 60 ft. (from 12 to 20 m). Material to be processed in order to expand the highway included parts of a swamp, peat, decomposing vegetation, and fresh vegetation, as well as wet sand.


In order for the highway to be expanded safely and efficiently, the project required stabilization to depth of 12 ft. (4m). The ALLU Soil Improvement System stabilized the ground in situ in an environmentally friendly way. 


The ALLU Soil Improvement System increased the road’s bearing capacity and safety. In addition, the contractor benefited from savings in time and money with no need to bring in new materials due to the efficient and effective re-use of existing materials.

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Case study

ALLU Soil Improvement System Stabilising Railway Foundation


Material Swamp, soft peat and clay

Industry Mixing, Solidification, Stabilising, Solidification, Mixing, Stabilising

Application Stabilising

Function Stabilising, Solidification, Mixing

Model ALLU Soil Improvement System


The original railroad had been constructed on very soft soil and settling foundation which needed to be modernized and stabilized. This project also involved the construction of a new double railway track.


The total area of soil in need of stabilization was about 6500 m2, up to a depth of 3-4 m. The ALLU Soil Improvement system stabilized the area in one month. Binder used in this project was a mixture of cement (70%) and merit (30%).


The complete ALLU Soil Improvement System stabilized the area cost and time efficiently, with no expensive haulage costs as there was no need for a mass exchange of material.

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