Case study

ALLU Soil Improvement System Stabilising Railway Foundation


Material Swamp, soft peat and clay

Industry Mixing, Solidification, Stabilising, Solidification, Mixing, Stabilising

Application Stabilising

Function Stabilising, Solidification, Mixing

Model ALLU Soil Improvement System


The original railroad had been constructed on very soft soil and settling foundation which needed to be modernized and stabilized. This project also involved the construction of a new double railway track.


The total area of soil in need of stabilization was about 6500 m2, up to a depth of 3-4 m. The ALLU Soil Improvement system stabilized the area in one month. Binder used in this project was a mixture of cement (70%) and merit (30%).


The complete ALLU Soil Improvement System stabilized the area cost and time efficiently, with no expensive haulage costs as there was no need for a mass exchange of material.

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