Case study

Processor Allu stabilisant des routes


Material Wet and soft sludge

Industry Stabilisation

Application Pipeline Padding

Function Stabilising

Model ALLU Processor 300HD


The high water content found in sludge on a road foundation job site was making the land unfit for use with insufficient load-bearing capacity.


The area affected by the sludge was stabilized and treated using an ALLU Processor 300HD power mixer. This increased the road foundation bearing capacity up to 30 tons.


The stabilizing process proved to be an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient way to increase the bearing capacity of the foundations enabling what was considered to be unstable ground to be used as a road.    

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Case study

Aeration de compost avec le godet cribleur broyeur allu transformer


Material Wet sludge

Industry Aération, Compost, Concassage, Criblage, Mélange

Application Aerating

Function Aerating, Composting, Crushing, Screening, Mixing

Model ALLLU Transformer DS 4-23 screener crusher with XHD60 blades


Wet, lumpy contaminated sludge material was causing delays to the composting process of a Swedish company.


The material was screened, shredded and aerated using an ALLU Transformer screening bucket which enabled composting to be accomplished more quickly, effectively and efficiently.


The entire composting operation is no longer hindered by wet clumps of sludge. The process is now more efficient as all screening, shredding and aerating is done in a one-step operation, making composting and material reuse faster and more effective.   TRANSFORMING YOUR EFFICIENCY.

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Case study

Criblage et recyclage des dechets de demolition avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Demolition waste

Industry Concassage, Criblage, Manutention de déchets

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DN 3-17 screener crusher with TS 25 crushing Axe blade setup


On a site set aside for construction, demolition waste, including concrete, wood, metal and fines cannot be processed further, with the area needing to be cleaned and the material dealt with before any new buildings could be built. 


The waste was processed with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher. About 30% of the material could be reused as a construction material, with about 10%, including the wood and metal, being separated and recycled properly. The rest of the material comprised of concrete which was crushed and reused as sub base and for foundations.


By processing the waste with the ALLU Transformer screener crusher, there were considerable savings made in landfill fees and transportation costs as only about 10% was transported to landfill. The rest of the material was reutilized on the new construction site.   TRANSFORMING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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Case study

Broyage de briques avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Defective bricks

Industry Applications industrielles, Concassage, Criblage, Manutention de déchets

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DH 4-17 screener crusher with X75 blades


A certain amount of waste and rejects is endemic in the production of bricks, requiring an effective solution for the recycling of any found to be defective.


The defective bricks were crushed with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher with the crushed material being reused in brick production.


By processing the material with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher, any defective bricks can be reused in the production process. The ALLU Transformer screening bucket is a mobile solution, which in this instance replaced a large and ineffective stationary crusher on site.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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Case study

Separation de la terre vegetale des racines avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Tree stumps, sawdust and topsoil

Industry Recyclage, Applications industrielles, Manutention de déchets, Concassage, Criblage

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Recycling, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DSB 2-12 screener crusher


Topsoil and sawdust needed to be separated from tree stumps so that both can be effectively recycled.


The tree stumps were screened with an ALLU Transformer screening bucket. This process separates the topsoil from the stumps making both materials reusable. In addition, the stumps are shredded with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher with the material turned into compost.


The use of the ALLU Transformer screener crusher meant that all the materials can be reused, with the topsoil and saw dust being sold as valuable products, whilst the tree stumps were shredded for use as compost, thereby reducing both transport and landfill costs.   TRANSFORMING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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Case study

Broyage de laine de roche avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Waste stone wool

Industry Compost, Applications industrielles, Manutention de déchets

Application Composting

Function Composting, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DN 3-17 screener crusher with TS16 Axe blades


The removal of contaminants in waste stone wool was proving to be problematic meaning that it could not be used in compost.


Stone wool used for insulation is an organic material as it is made from stones and naturally occurring materials. This means that it can be composted if processed correctly, being shredded with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher.


The shredding process filters the glue and other waste materials from the wool meaning that there are no harmful contaminants left. The ALLU Transformer screening bucket is also able to work efficiently and is a fully mobile solution, ideal for working in limited spaces as found in this instance. The efficient working capabilities of the Transformer further adds to the green credentials of the mineral wool plant’s composting operation.   TRANSFORMING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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Case study

Eradication de plantes invasives dans une réserve naturelle avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Soil contaminated with invasive plants

Industry Amélioration de sol, Criblage, Manutention de déchets

Application Screening

Function Screening, Soil Processing, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DL 2-17 screening bucket with TS25 blade setup


Non-native species, which could destroy native fauna and flora, were found growing in a nature reserve. In order to keep the nature reserve intact and to preserve its biodiversity, the invasive plants had to be separated from the soil which would then be returned to the ground.


The surface layer of the earth was removed using a backhoe bucket, which removed the non-native species with their roots intact. The ALLU Transformer screening bucket was then used to screen the material and to separate the soil from the contaminants which was then reinserted into the ground and plant residue removed.


The ALLU Transformer screening bucket was an effective solution for removing the non-native species, proving in a limited space to be a highly mobile space-saving solution.   TRANSFORMING YOUR GREEN CREDENTIALS.

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Case study

Broyage d’écorces avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Field bark from logs at a sawmill

Industry Applications industrielles, Concassage, Criblage, Manutention de déchets

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DS 4-23 screener crusher with crushing XHD blade setup


Field bark that has gathered at a sawmill’s field from processed logs has become a problem. If it is treated as waste the sawmill will be liable to both transport and landfill costs.


The material is fine screened with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher and then used at a local power plant. The quality is important, as if it is to be used as a power source, the material cannot include stones, metal or any other contaminants.


An ALLU Transformer screener crusher bucket is a one-step process where the crushing of field bark and loading can be done simultaneously. When attached to a wheel loader for instance, both mobility and processing efficiency are maximized.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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Case study

Déchiquetage d’écorces avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Field bark at a sawmill

Industry Applications industrielles, Concassage, Criblage, Manutention de déchets

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DN 2-12 with TS35 Axe blades


Field bark had accumulated at a sawmill’s field from processed logs. If this were to be treated as waste, the sawmill would be faced with high transport and landfill costs.


Field bark can be further utilized and resold. In order to generate an income from it, the field bark must be shredded into fine and homogenous pieces. This can be achieved with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher bucket.


An ALLU Transformer screener crusher is a cost-efficient and mobile solution ideal for use in a limited space as found at the sawmill site. The end product produced is of a high quality and homogenous making an ideal product for resale.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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Case study

Le godet ALLU cribleur broyeur assure une qualité dans la production de béton


Material Sand and gravel, crushed gravel

Industry Applications industrielles, Concassage, Criblage, Manutention de déchets

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer screener crusher DN 3-17 with TS 16 blades


Quality assurance and control in concrete production are important. This involves dealing with lumped, hardened, and frozen sand and gravel that comprised of lumps too big to be fed into the feeder silo at the concrete plant.


The frozen and hardened sand, gravel and rocks can be crushed with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher before being fed into the silo. This step ensures that the feeder doesn’t get blocked due to the presence of large lumps meaning that the quality of the concrete remains consistent.


Quality assurance through the use of the ALLU Transformer screening bucket ensures that the production process is made more efficient, with no stoppages. Also, all materials can be used on the production due to the transforming nature of the ALLU equipment.   TRANSFORMING YOUR EFFICIENCY.

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