Case study



Material Excavated soil

Industry 废弃物处理, 筛分

Application Fine screening

Function Fine screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DN 3-17 screener crusher with TS16mm blades


A runway excavation project involved cutting straight through the airfield, with the reuse of the excavated material being stipulated so as to avoid the need to buy and bring in material. This improved the environmental credentials and cost-effectiveness of the project.


A mobile and efficient solution was required to undertake the work with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher being mounted on a wheel loader to maximize mobility. Following excavation, the material was fine screened over the trench directly where the excavators had stockpiled it. 


There was a tight schedule for the project as the new runway was needed at the busy airfield. The project was completed in time with significant cost savings as there was no need to purchase virgin material, or transportation involving the double handling of material.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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Case study



Material Construction waste

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DSH 3-17 screener crusher with X75 drums


Construction waste emanating from a development project needed to be processed for disposal, with material for re-use being separated from material to be landfilled. Due to the large particles in the construction waste, its reuse had proved to be impossible because of the lack of an efficient screening system. This could have led to the disposal of all the material in the landfill. As a result, the contractor would have incurred additional haulage and landfill costs.


The construction waste was screened and crushed using the ALLU Transformer screening bucket. Processed material could now be used as the foundation material for buildings. Only a small portion of the material had to be disposed of in a landfill.


Less material to landfill and efficient utilization of waste material supports sustainability. It also reduces extra costs incurred due to reduced landfill payments and at the same time generates income from recycling and utilizing the processed material. Furthermore, haulage costs and negative environmental impact are reduced as there is no need to remove the existing material nor buy in new.  

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ALLU TRANSFORMER 筛分破碎铲斗筛分天然气厂的原料


Material Soil

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DL 2-17 screener bucket with TS 25mm blades


A gas plant’s incoming material quality, shape and size varied due to it coming from a variety of different sources. This led directly to oversized material ‘jamming’ the plant’s feed system causing expensive stoppages to production. Additionally, the material often contained wood, rocks and even metal parts, which needed to be separated before processing the material further.  


The material was screened and crushed using an ALLU Transformer screener crusher bucket which was fitted to an existing telehandler providing longer reach. The material was efficiently loaded into the feeder’s silo quite some distance away by the ALLU Transformer in addition to the screening and crushing operation.


By utilizing the ALLU Transformer screener crusher bucket as both a processor and loader, the gas plant maximized the efficiency of its operation. The ALLU Transformer screening bucket provided a one-step operation by screening out the contaminants, crushing the oversized materials and loading the material straight into the feeder’s silo in one go.   TRANSFORMING YOUR EFFICIENCY.

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Case study



Material Swamp, rich on peat and vegetation

Application Stabilising

Function Stabilising, Mixing

Model ALLU Soil Improvement Complete System


An existing two-lane Miami highway was to be expanded into four-lanes so that it was better suited for any necessary evacuation of the locale. The length of the road was approximately 9 miles (15 km), with its width increasing from 40 ft. to 60 ft. (from 12 to 20 m). Material to be processed in order to expand the highway included parts of a swamp, peat, decomposing vegetation, and fresh vegetation, as well as wet sand.


In order for the highway to be expanded safely and efficiently, the project required stabilization to depth of 12 ft. (4m). The ALLU Soil Improvement System stabilized the ground in situ in an environmentally friendly way. 


The ALLU Soil Improvement System increased the road’s bearing capacity and safety. In addition, the contractor benefited from savings in time and money with no need to bring in new materials due to the efficient and effective re-use of existing materials.

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ALLU 土壤改良系统稳定铁路路基


Material Swamp, soft peat and clay

Application Stabilising

Function Stabilising, Solidification, Mixing

Model ALLU Soil Improvement System


The original railroad had been constructed on very soft soil and settling foundation which needed to be modernized and stabilized. This project also involved the construction of a new double railway track.


The total area of soil in need of stabilization was about 6500 m2, up to a depth of 3-4 m. The ALLU Soil Improvement system stabilized the area in one month. Binder used in this project was a mixture of cement (70%) and merit (30%).


The complete ALLU Soil Improvement System stabilized the area cost and time efficiently, with no expensive haulage costs as there was no need for a mass exchange of material.

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Material Wet soil and mud

Industry 固化处理

Application Solidification

Function Solidification

Model ALLU Processor 500HD


The job site was located on wet swampland which was to be used for a housing and warehousing development.


Prior to commencing any excavation work, the ground first had to be solidified by mixing and adding lime and fly ash with the ALLU Processor 500HD Power Mixer.


Following the solidification process the area was made strong enough to bear excavators enabling the excavation process to proceed. This also led to improved operational safety on the site as well as improving the quality of the material excavated which was to be used for foundations on the development.

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ALLU TRANSFORMER 筛分破碎铲斗进行管道细土回填


Material Soil

Industry 管道回填, 细筛

Application Pipeline padding

Function Pipeline padding, Screening

Model ALLU Transformer DSB 3-12 screener crusher with TS 25 blade setup


Pipeline required backfilling and refilling the pipeline with new material would have caused additional costs for the project.


 The excavated material from the pipe trench was screened back to the trench with the ALLU Transformer screener crusher and the original material was used as backfilling. The ALLU Transformer screener bucket was able to screen reusable material for pipeline backfilling, meaning no additional material costs.


By re-using the material on site, there were no need to buy virgin material. ALLU Transformer screener bucket made the job efficient and saved on natural resources. The job site traffic was also minimized due to utilizing the existing material with only one machine.  

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Construction Waste Processing

Process construction waste efficiently with ALLU screening and crushing buckets. Separate rebar, crush concrete, and repurpose materials on-site—cutting costs and minimizing landfill waste.
Case study

ALLU Transfomer 筛分破碎铲斗筛分和混合建筑垃圾


Material Construction waste

Industry 废弃物处理, 破碎, 细筛

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DSB 2-17 screener crusher with TS25 blade setup




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