Case study

Traitement des déchets de construction avec le godet cribleur broyeur ALLU transformer


Material Construction waste

Industry Applications industrielles, Manutention de déchets, Concassage, Criblage

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DSH 3-17 screener crusher with X75 drums


Construction waste emanating from a development project needed to be processed for disposal, with material for re-use being separated from material to be landfilled. Due to the large particles in the construction waste, its reuse had proved to be impossible because of the lack of an efficient screening system. This could have led to the disposal of all the material in the landfill. As a result, the contractor would have incurred additional haulage and landfill costs.


The construction waste was screened and crushed using the ALLU Transformer screening bucket. Processed material could now be used as the foundation material for buildings. Only a small portion of the material had to be disposed of in a landfill.


Less material to landfill and efficient utilization of waste material supports sustainability. It also reduces extra costs incurred due to reduced landfill payments and at the same time generates income from recycling and utilizing the processed material. Furthermore, haulage costs and negative environmental impact are reduced as there is no need to remove the existing material nor buy in new.  

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