Case study

ALLU Transformer seulakauha – Kenttäkuoren murskaus


Material Field bark at a sawmill

Industry Jätemateriaalien käsittely, Murskaus, Seulonta, Teolliset sovellukset ja käyttökohteet

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DN 2-12 with TS35 Axe blades


Field bark had accumulated at a sawmill’s field from processed logs. If this were to be treated as waste, the sawmill would be faced with high transport and landfill costs.


Field bark can be further utilized and resold. In order to generate an income from it, the field bark must be shredded into fine and homogenous pieces. This can be achieved with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher bucket.


An ALLU Transformer screener crusher is a cost-efficient and mobile solution ideal for use in a limited space as found at the sawmill site. The end product produced is of a high quality and homogenous making an ideal product for resale.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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