ALLU France presents his stand at the Sommet de l'Élevage exhibition in Aubière, we will be here until October 7, come and meet us, we will be delighted to present our equipment to you.
We are on stand N°1553B outside

ALLU France presents his stand at the Sommet de l'Élevage exhibition in Aubière, we will be here until October 7, come and meet us, we will be delighted to present our equipment to you.
We are on stand N°1553B outside
ALLU France will be present at the SIM exhibition in Marseille from October 19 to 21, 2022, come and meet us at Parc Chanot stand N°E37. We will be happy to discuss about our equipment with you.
ALLU France will be present at the Sommet de l'Élevage exhibition in Aubière, come and meet us, we will be delighted to present our equipment to you. We will be on stand N°1553B outside
We are all aware of the environmental impact of coal ash in the USA. With potential hazards to both the air and water being a concern to all parties involved. Loose particles of fly ash can float in the air to surrounding communities, causing various respiratory issues to nearby residents. Both abandoned and operational ash ponds have a high potential to seep into the groundwater carrying chemicals such as lead, arsenic and mercury to the municipal water supply.
What to do with these ponds has been at the center of much debate throughout the power generation providers along with environmental advocates. Finding an acceptable solution that would provide a safe permanent, solution that was economically feasible has been a challenge. The EPA permits two methods, closure in place and closure by removal. Each method presents it’s own challenges and downsides.
Closure in place or “capping” the pond is typically done using a process known as “bucket mixing” which is accomplished by dumping sacks of powdered binder (usually Portland Cement) onto the surface of the pond (NON-METERED). The binder is then mixed using the buckets of a tracked excavator. A shallow cap is formed as the cement hardens. Though much less expensive than removal. The main problem exists beneath the “cap” moisture remains in the unstable contaminated soil allowing continued seepage into the groundwater. The capped ground is unsuitable for building and difficult to repurpose. Additional dust pollution is also created during the bucket mixing process.
Closure by removal minimizes the overall risk of ground water pollution but presents it’s own set of problems. Compared to closure in place costs, removal costs and time can add up to more than five times that of in place closure. Relocation to an approved dump site (land fill) may also prove difficult with dust and contaminates being released during transport. Regulation of the dump site can also be difficult. If not properly maintained these sites can be affected by the wind carrying the reclaimed dust great distances. Storm water can seep through the ash and continue to contaminate ground water.
Deep pond stabilization provides an innovative solution that solves problems present in both capping and removal. The ALLU Soil Stabilization System has been used throughout Europe for more than a decade. The system uses a powerful mixing head attached to the boom of a mid sized excavator. The mixing head is fed a dry binder by a computer controlled high pressure feeder creating a homogeneous mix. Unlike bucket mixing; the system is capable of depths beyond 20’. The ash pond is stabilized from the bottom up and not just at the surface. The feeding system regulates with precision the exact amount of binder prescribed by the engineer to fully encapsulate the contaminated site. (BINDER COST CONTROLLED)
Area is stabilized from bottom up
As it is now a solid mass. Potential ground water contamination along with dust pollution from wind, rain or during transportation are eliminated. Costs are controlled by removing the need to build and maintain dump sites. Less fossil fuels are used without the need to transport to an off site location. A solid surface remains that continues to harden over time allowing a re-purposing of the existing ash containment pond. A truly green sustainable solution. For further information on ALLU Soil Improvement System click here
Après avoir investi dans une usine de production locale, ALLU, qui a écouté les besoins de ses clients, lance la nouvelle Transformer DC spécifiquement conçue pour le marché chinois.
« ALLU a beaucoup investi en Chine et a écouté nos clients en Chine. L’introduction de la nouvelle série DC, qu’ALLU a adaptée uniquement au marché chinois, renforcera notre soutien à nos clients et notre présence opérationnelle, pour aider à développer la région tout en étant compétitif sur le marché local », a commenté le tout récemment nommé directeur des opérations pour la Chine, Pierre Bujes.
La série ALLU Transformer DC est une gamme d’accessoires de criblage pour une variété d’applications de criblage, de concassage, de mélange et d’aération. Tous les modèles sont équipés de deux moteurs hydrauliques pour une puissance de traitement maximale. Les pièces jointes ont été renforcées rendant le godet robuste et durable même dans des environnements exigeants.
Les principaux domaines d’application de la série ALLU TRANSFORMER DC sont la manutention et le traitement des déchets, le mélange et aération du compost, le remblayage/remplissage de pipeline, le remblai de câble, l’assainissement environnemental ou encore le criblage de sol et de gravier.
Équipée de lames TS, la série ALLU Transformer DC est parfaite pour les applications qui nécessitent un criblage, une séparation et une aération. Les lames TS tournent entre les peignes de criblage et la taille finale des fragments est de 25 à 50 mm. Cette structure est unique en ce que la taille des fragments du produit final peut être modifiée en repositionnant les peignes de criblage. Cela vous permet d’obtenir deux variations de taille de fragment avec la même SÉRIE ALLU TRANSFORMER DC sans frais supplémentaires.
Équipés de lames en X, les accessoires ALLU TRANSFORMER DC SERIES sont parfaits pour les applications nécessitant stabilisation, mélange, aération et broyage. La structure est anti-colmatage et la capacité reste excellente même avec des matériaux humides. Grâce à sa conception, la SÉRIE ALLU TRANSFORMER DC avec lames en X est bien adaptée aux tâches de mélange et de pulvérisation les plus exigeantes.
ALLU is delighted to introduce Daniel, the Production Supervisor for China. He will be leading ALLU China production of the new DC series. Daniel started his career over 20 years ago and has worked for a few different European companies. Daniel has managed production in factories and for various organisations and has experience of growing the Chinese market.
Daniel says; My first few months at ALLU has been fantastic. I’m able to shape the direction of the production facility for the Chinese market, and it is an exciting challenge. ALLU has welcomed me to the family style culture and sense of teamwork with everyone going in the right direction. When I am not at work, I love to play basketball and go fishing. We have a clear direction and a lot of potential for the Chinese market. I am excited to be working with you all”.
After recently investing in a new facility in Melle, we are delighted to welcome not one, but three new Area Sales Managers to the ALLU Family.
With the continued growth of ALLU Germany we have expanded our team with three new Area Sales Managers.
Torsten Hildebrandt, is now responsible for North of Germany to continue his successful long career in sales. Torsten started his career over 20 years ago in the automotive industry and then later moved into construction industry.
Serif Karaoluk, joins ALLU as Area Sales Manager for Central Germany, to continue his successful career in sales. Serif started his career over 9 years ago as Junior Sales Manager in the Automotive industry and then later moved into Forklift technical sales as Senior Sales Manager.
Kevin Hartung our new Area Sales Manager for East Germany. Kevin started his career as an apprentice for automotive industry, and then moved over as a buyer then into sales in a global manufacturing company working in various sectors as a key account manager.
Dirk Moll, Managing Director for Germany Says “The opportunity to bring three new Sales Managers to join ALLU and grow Northern, Eastern and Central Germany is an exciting time for the business. ALLU continues to demonstrate the family style culture and sense of teamwork. We have a clear direction and a lot of potential for the DACH region. My team look forward to developing our network and helping to improve the customer experience, I’m really excited they have joined ALLU and to be working alongside them”.
New to the market, ALLU Tracker is an effective tool for measuring performance and knowing where your equipment is located. It eliminates the need for lots of manual time keeping and you can understand the performance of your equipment.
ALLU Tracker works with all ALLU attachments and can be fitted to all models. The benefit of having the tracker is you know where your equipment is by GPS pinpointing, and geo fencing. Giving you the ability to understand what your equipment is doing, and last known location.
By Increasing the awareness of what your machine is doing, helps you plan your working load effectively, including operational hours and operational ability. The ALLU Tracker stores all information sent over to an easy-to-use dashboard, and the data is stored in the cloud including with the last known location.
Fredrik Dromberg introduces a novel technology that meets mining needs
Truly innovative technology seems a rarity in some parts of the mining industry. Although we may have moved on from picks and shovels, and open-cast mining has been transformed by the use of sophisticated crushing and screening equipment, some mining operations can still be labor-intensive undertaking, with advantages accruing to operators in parts of the world where such costs are low.
Much of the equipment required can also be expensive. There are quite a few steps involved in some materials handling operations: blasting the rock, digging, loading it on dump trucks, and transporting it to a location where the material can be crushed and screened. Sometimes more than one crushing and screening step will be needed to produce a material ready for shipping.
The ability to incorporate several of these steps in a single piece of equipment is what inspired the development of Allu’s M series giant material processing bucket. This novel solution is applicable as a scalper or screen on almost any material and as a crusher of soft rock materials – such as oil shale, coal, rock salt, limestone and gypsum. It performs the processing of the material and loading in a single step.
When the package is mounted onto a 30-80 ton wheel loader or 50-200 ton excavator, it turns the carrier machine into an efficient mobile material processing plant, that eliminates needs for material double handling at the same time.
The M series buckets can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes of material – typically, from 50 to 150mm – and can therefore be configured to handle many different kinds of material. Allu sees a potentially transformative role for this technology with respect to a mineral resource.
Margins in coal mining are extremely tight so if there is the possibility of reducing the cost of production by a few tens of pence per ton, the potential of the product seems obvious, particularly in places such as Africa and South America. Technology can be used to overcome the cost advantages enjoyed by operators in other parts of the world.
What’s next for Allu’s M bucket?
Following extensive customer feedback, it was clear that further development and innovation to the current product range was required. Customers wanted a smaller version of the M bucket for their mining needs, so Allu responded by creating the M3-36, which has been designed for agility and work speed. The M3-36 is being tested with customers and should be available to the wider market soon.
Ultimately, this “one step ahead” approach to crushing and screening methods – using the loader or excavator as the primary or secondary processing machine – helps to reduce operational costs and also boosts efficiency.
Fast, precise and global communication with the equipment manufacturer is key for customers to get the very best out of their investment. In order to get closer to the customer, ALLU is proud to announce the launch of its own ALLU Mobile Application at Intermat.
ALLU, the leading manufacturer of Transformer and Processor attachments, is proud to announce the launch of its own mobile application which will receive its global launch at Intermat 2018. This service is fully integrated with ALLU’s portal providing information, contact and advice on everything that is relevant to the serial number of the attachment in the customer’s possession.
ALLU Mobile Application provides an intelligent digital solution for ALLU customers to get accurate and timely information regarding to safe operations at jobsites and use of the ALLU product. The application provides information closest to the customer-even on line at the jobsite whenever mobile online service is provided- in order to provide information and safeguard the customer’s investment.
This service enables the ALLU customer access information that is relevant to the serial number of the attachment in his/her possession.
ALLU Mobile Application provides safety instructions that will guide through safe working method when using ALLU attachment throughout the whole process.
In order to get the very best performance from ones ALLU product this mobile application also provides specific information about the different jobsite applications where to utilize the ALLU product. Quick guides to installation ease the operation at the jobsites and the instruction manual is always on hand – irrespective of where you are or when you need the information.
ALLU Mobile Application enables to seek advice on equipment performance, even to troubleshoot possible problems, and connect you with the nearest ALLU office or distributor if further support is needed.
The many features and benefits of the ‘ALLU-App’ include: