Case study

ALLU Transformer seulakauha – Tiilten murskaus


Material Defective bricks

Industry Jätemateriaalien käsittely, Murskaus, Seulonta, Teolliset sovellukset ja käyttökohteet

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Waste material handling, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer DH 4-17 screener crusher with X75 blades


A certain amount of waste and rejects is endemic in the production of bricks, requiring an effective solution for the recycling of any found to be defective.


The defective bricks were crushed with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher with the crushed material being reused in brick production.


By processing the material with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher, any defective bricks can be reused in the production process. The ALLU Transformer screening bucket is a mobile solution, which in this instance replaced a large and ineffective stationary crusher on site.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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