Case study

ALLU Transformer seulakauha – Kaivetun maan seulonta


Material Excavated soil

Industry Hieno seulonta, Jätemateriaalien käsittely

Application Fine screening

Function Fine screening, Waste material handling

Model ALLU Transformer DN 3-17 screener crusher with TS16mm blades


A runway excavation project involved cutting straight through the airfield, with the reuse of the excavated material being stipulated so as to avoid the need to buy and bring in material. This improved the environmental credentials and cost-effectiveness of the project.


A mobile and efficient solution was required to undertake the work with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher being mounted on a wheel loader to maximize mobility. Following excavation, the material was fine screened over the trench directly where the excavators had stockpiled it. 


There was a tight schedule for the project as the new runway was needed at the busy airfield. The project was completed in time with significant cost savings as there was no need to purchase virgin material, or transportation involving the double handling of material.   TRANSFORMING YOUR MACHINES.

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