Case study

ALLU TRANSFORMER 筛分破碎铲斗用于混凝土生产质量控制


Material Sand and gravel, crushed gravel

Industry 工业应用, 废弃物处理, 破碎, 细筛

Application Crushing

Function Crushing, Screening, Industrial applications

Model ALLU Transformer screener crusher DN 3-17 with TS 16 blades


Quality assurance and control in concrete production are important. This involves dealing with lumped, hardened, and frozen sand and gravel that comprised of lumps too big to be fed into the feeder silo at the concrete plant.


The frozen and hardened sand, gravel and rocks can be crushed with an ALLU Transformer screener crusher before being fed into the silo. This step ensures that the feeder doesn’t get blocked due to the presence of large lumps meaning that the quality of the concrete remains consistent.


Quality assurance through the use of the ALLU Transformer screening bucket ensures that the production process is made more efficient, with no stoppages. Also, all materials can be used on the production due to the transforming nature of the ALLU equipment.   TRANSFORMING YOUR EFFICIENCY.

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